3 Ways to Select all checkbox In Classic or Interactive Report Oracle APEX

3 Ways to Select all checkbox In Classic or Interactive Report Oracle APEX


I have received a few emails regarding how to implement Select All checkbox in the column header. This functionality work if the user wants to process particular data as per his requirement. I will show you there is a three-way to select All checkbox In Classic or Interactive Report using jQuery.

First Solution:

  • Create Classic or Interactive Report Oracle using following query:
 from EMP

  • Define column heading following HTML tag and disable all Users To action as per Screenshot.
<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" >
  • Copy and Paste jQuery into the Function and Global Variable Declaration section.
 $('#checkAll').click(function () { 
   $('input:checkbox').prop('checked', this.checked); 

Second Solution:

  • I am using classic Report for the same SQL query which is defined above for implementing another way to perform Select All checkbox in the Classic Report.
  • Please Define the following HTML in the column header.
 <input type="Checkbox" onclick="$f_CheckFirstColumn(this)">


Note: If you are using an Interactive report then needs to do is to edit your interactive report’s Attributes and set its Heading’s “Fixed To” to “None”.

Third Solution:

  • In the third solution, we are using dynamic action to select all. Define the report static Id is “myreport” and following HTML in the column header.
<input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" >
  • Create dynamic action and follow these steps with screenshots:
Event                  = Change
Selection Type         = jQuery Selector
jQuery Selector        = #checkAll
Event Scope            = Dynamic
Static Container (jQuery Selector)= #myreport
  • Execute the following JavaScript Code:
True Action       = Execute JavaScript Code
Fire On Page Load = OFF  
if ($('#myreport #checkAll' ).is(':checked') ) {
      $(' #myreport input[type=checkbox][name=f01]').prop('checked',true);
     } else {
     $('#myreport input[type=checkbox][name=f01]').prop('checked',false);


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