Oracle APEX Multi Language translation

How to translate Oracle APEX into Multi-Languages?  In application development, multilanguage translation is always a tedious job to accomplish. But when it comes to APEX is just like a couple…


NULL in Oracle NULL = NULL ? Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserSELECT CASE WHEN NULL = NULL THEN 'NULL Equals to NULL' ELSE 'NULL is NOT Equals to NULL' END…

Cursors in PL/SQL

What is cursor: Pointer to the memory location where the information about sql stmt or DML statement got executed. There are two types of cursors − Implicit Cursor:= Any Select Stmt Or…

2 Ways to Make Column nowrap Interactive Report Oracle APEX

SOLUTION 1: Column Formatting => HTML Expression: <span style="white-space:nowrap;">#COLUMN_NAME#</span> SOLUTION 2: Define region Id “regionId” and Column id “HIRE_ID” after that use following CSS: #regionId th#HIRE_ID, #regionId td[headers=HIRE_ID]{min-width:100px}

How to Parse JSON Using APEX Data Parser in Oracle?

How to Parse Json Using APEX Data Parser in Oracle? Sample JSON Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser{ "items":[ { "uri":{ "$ref":"" }, "empno":7782, "ename":"CLARK" }, { "uri":{ "$ref":"" }, "empno":7839,…

How to Parse XML in Oracle

How to parse XML using APEX_DATA_PARSER?  Get the XML data. Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DATA> <ROW> <EMPNO>7839</EMPNO> <ENAME>KING</ENAME> <HIREDATE>1981-11-17</HIREDATE> <SAL>5000</SAL> <DEPTNO>10</DEPTNO> </ROW> <ROW> <EMPNO>7698</EMPNO> <ENAME>BLAKE</ENAME> <HIREDATE>1981-05-01</HIREDATE> <SAL>2850</SAL>…