How to Enable Edit Mode on Page Load with Dynamic Actions in Oracle APEX Interactive Grids

In Oracle APEX, dynamic actions offer a flexible way to execute code in response to events. To automatically activate “edit” mode in an Interactive Grid upon page load, you can create a dynamic action that sets the grid to edit mode when the page initializes. This can streamline user interaction, allowing immediate editing without extra clicks.

This guide demonstrates how to implement a dynamic action to enable edit mode on page load in Oracle APEX Interactive Grids.

Step 1: Assign a Static ID to the Interactive Grid

Before you create the dynamic action, ensure the Interactive Grid has a unique Static ID to reference it in JavaScript.

  • Assign a Static ID: Open Oracle APEX in the Application Builder, navigate to the page with your Interactive Grid, and assign a Static ID in the Attributes section. For example, “ontoor”.

Step 2: Create a Dynamic Action to Trigger on Page Load

To create a dynamic action that sets the Interactive Grid to “edit” mode on page load, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Page in Oracle APEX:
    • In Application Builder, open the page that contains your Interactive Grid.
  2. Add a Dynamic Action:
    • In the Dynamic Actions section, click the “+” button to create a new dynamic action.
    • Set the Event to “Page Load” and give the action a descriptive name like “Set IG to Edit Mode”.
  3. Execute JavaScript:
    • Inside the dynamic action, click the “+” button to add an action.
    • Set the action type to “Execute JavaScript”.
    • In the “Code” section, enter the following code snippet:

apex.region("ontoor").call("getActions").set("edit", true)

Ensure that the Static ID "ontoor" matches the one assigned to your Interactive Grid.

  1. Test the Dynamic Action:
    • Save your changes and run the page to ensure that the Interactive Grid enters edit mode automatically when the page loads.

Troubleshooting Tips

If the dynamic action doesn’t work as expected, consider these common causes:

  1. Static ID:
    • Double-check that the Static ID used in the JavaScript code matches the Static ID assigned to the Interactive Grid.
  2. Editable Grid Configuration:
    • Ensure the Interactive Grid is set to allow editing, including editable columns and proper permissions.
  3. JavaScript Errors:
    • Use the browser’s developer tools to check for errors in the console, indicating possible syntax issues or other problems.


Creating a dynamic action that sets the Interactive Grid to edit mode on page load is a simple and effective way to streamline user interaction, allowing immediate data editing. This is especially useful in scenarios where users need to make changes without extra steps. If the dynamic action doesn’t work as intended, the troubleshooting tips should help diagnose and resolve common issues.