Writing File to Oracle Directory

How to write file to ORACLE Directory using PL/SQL? Creating directory Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserGRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY TO apex_19_2; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY my_dir AS 'C:\App\MY_DIR'; Writing File…

How to Install APEX in Oracle 19 C

How to install APEX in Oracle 19 C Download APEX from Oracle products.Download APEX 19.2  Oracle 19 C is multi tenant architecture database. We can create multiple Pluggable databases (PDBs…

Working With SYS_CONTEXT

How to create Oracle SYS_CONTEXT ?  Oracle SYS_CONTEXT holds the value of the parameter associated with context namespace. PrerequisiteDatabase user needs grant to create context. GRANT CREATE ANY CONTEXT TO…


Create function to convert the CLOB to BLOB Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION clob_to_blob (i_clob_text IN CLOB) RETURN BLOB IS /* Version 1 29-mar-2020 */ l_blob_file BLOB;…

Create user in Oracle 12 C

Create user 12C: connect system/manager as sysdba alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true; / create user lime identified by limeoracle; / grant dba to lime; / connect lime/limeoracle / create table test(lime…
Refresh a materialized view

Refresh a materialized view

To refresh a Materialized view we need DBMS_SNAPSHOT.REFRESH procedure. Steps. CREATE TABLE demo_m ( id NUMBER (10) primary key, name VARCHAR2 (400) ); / INSERT INTO DEMO_M ( ID, NAME)…