APEX Font Toggler (AFT)

APEX Font Toggler (AFT) Plugin. APEX Font Toggler (AFT) plugin allow users to increase or decrease application font size at their convenience and this plugin is free for use under…

Oracle NULL-Related Functions

Oracle NULL-Related Functions. There are different type of null related function in oracle. NVL NVL function will check whether the first input parameter is null, if its null value, it…

Oracle NVL Function

The NVL function allows you to replace null values with a default values. If the first parameter is null, the function returns the second parameter. If the first parameter has…

Oracle Decode Function

Oracle DECODE() function compares the first argument with the second argument. If they are equal, the function returns the third argument otherwise returns the default value. The Oracle/PLSQL DECODE function…

Coalesce in oracle

COALESCE return first not null value out all the parameter passed into this function. NOTE: All the parameters have be same datatype DROP TABLE coalesce_func_test; CREATE TABLE coalesce_func_test ( id NUMBER, col1…


NULL in Oracle NULL = NULL ? Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserSELECT CASE WHEN NULL = NULL THEN 'NULL Equals to NULL' ELSE 'NULL is NOT Equals to NULL' END…

Cursors in PL/SQL

What is cursor: Pointer to the memory location where the information about sql stmt or DML statement got executed. There are two types of cursors − Implicit Cursor:= Any Select Stmt Or…