Application header with text in ORACLE APEX

How to set the Application header with text in ORACLE APEX?

  • We have been asked about setting up the Application logo with the text string. Let’s take a look version by version.

APEX 5 and APEX 18 In APEX 5 and APEX 18 we can only set up a logo or text at a time. So what if we need to display text and logo together in this version. 

  • We can use our one of the plugin “Move APEX page item ”. Steps to use implement.
    • Download the Plugin and install in your application
    • Create one Item (Display Image): Displays an image stored in a database BLOB column or based on an image URL.
    • Put you Image URL for the image
    • Used: Always, replacing any existing value in session state
    • Create Dynamic Action on page load
    • Create a true action and select the plugin
    • Other setups can be followed by the above link
    • Use below CSS code to align the logo and text
.t-Header-logo .display_image {
    float: left;
    height: 33px;



 Download Application APEX 19 In APEX 19 there is already an option available to set up a logo and text together. 


 Implement it, we can follow two ways.

  1. From “User Interface
  2. From “Theme Roller”