Clob to Blob Using APEX Web Service

CLOBBASE642BLOB Function This function is used to convert Clob to base64Blob. Syntax APEX_WEB_SERVICE.CLOBBASE642BLOB ( p_clob IN CLOB) RETURN BLOB; Example declare l_clob CLOB; l_blob BLOB; l_blob_2 BLOB; begin SELECT BLOB_CONTENT…

Use of $s $x $v

$x $x is used to find the control on the DOM meaning looking for any item available on DOM. If the control is found then it returns the dom of the…

Generating JSON using APEX_JSON

Generating JSON using APEX_JSON Sample tables from Oracle Create Two table based on below query and Inserted some record for demo purpose: Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserCREATE TABLE DEPT (…

APEX_JSON Nested parsing

APEX_JSON Nested JSON data parsing Sample JSON Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser{ "RAW": { "LEVEL_1": "2", "LEVEL_1_ARRAY": [{ "LEVEL_2": { "LEVEL_2_A": "Ashish", "LEVEL_2_ARRAY": [{ "LEVEL_3_A": "00", "LEVEL_3_B": "ABC" }, {…

APEX shortcut variables

APEX shortcut variables are best in dynamic use in Javascript code. We can fetch data from database or can use any hard coded text. Use a shortcut to define frequently…
Disable Date Picker In Oracle APEX

Disable Date Picker In Oracle APEX

We will disable the date picker because sometimes we don’t need to allow editing (due to some privilege ). The approach is using JQuery:Create a JavaScript function : Copy CodeCopiedUse…