What is cursor: Pointer to the memory location where the information about sql stmt or DML statement got executed. There are two types of cursors − Implicit Cursor:= Any Select Stmt Or…
How to Parse Json Using APEX Data Parser in Oracle? Sample JSON Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser{ "items":[ { "uri":{ "$ref":"https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/ashish_portfolio/hr/employeesfeed/7782" }, "empno":7782, "ename":"CLARK" }, { "uri":{ "$ref":"https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/ashish_portfolio/hr/employeesfeed/7839" }, "empno":7839,…
How to parse XML using APEX_DATA_PARSER? Get the XML data. Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <DATA> <ROW> <EMPNO>7839</EMPNO> <ENAME>KING</ENAME> <HIREDATE>1981-11-17</HIREDATE> <SAL>5000</SAL> <DEPTNO>10</DEPTNO> </ROW> <ROW> <EMPNO>7698</EMPNO> <ENAME>BLAKE</ENAME> <HIREDATE>1981-05-01</HIREDATE> <SAL>2850</SAL>…
APEX Data Parser - How to Parse XLSX and CSV? PARSE Function This is the main parser function. It allows to parse XML, XLSX, CSV or JSON files and returns…
Removing special character using REGEXP: SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('Sahay*)(^#@Pandey$ashish/Vikas','[^a-z_A-Z ]') FROM DUAL; Remove extra spaces between string using REGEXP: Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserSELECT REGEXP_REPLACE ('Vikas Pandey from Delhi', '[[:blank:]]+', ' ')…
To Remove New line from the string: Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserDECLARE p_sting VARCHAR2 (100) := 'This is Vikas from Delhi Now the next line. '; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (p_sting); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line…
How to create Pipelined Functions in Oracle? Pipeline functions are used to return data in tabular format. It returns the data in the nested table type. Pipeline functions are useful…
Refresh Static region DATA in Oracle APEX I have been receiving couple of queries about the static region refresh. In this article, I’ll try to get through it. Background:In the…
Working with Oracle and APEX it’s not necessary to keep all the data in the one system. Say you need all the details data in one place and all transaction…
How to read Files from Oracle Directory using PL/SQL? File Structure ACCOUNTINGRESEARCHSALESOPERATIONS3 Records5 Records6 Records0 Records How to generate files into Oracle Directory? Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browser DECLARE l_file…