APEX page types | Universal Theme

APEX provides three types of pages till APEX 20.  To create these pages Select Page Mode. Page ModeSelect the page mode for this page. Available options include: NormalThe page is…

How to Add Subscription to Blogger

Feedburner helps to achieve many things like generating site feed url, email subscription to sites. Go to feedburner . Add your Blogger to feedburner  Now get your subscription: click to “Publicize”. and further…

Create ZIP File using APEX_ZIP

Data TypesThe data types used by the APEX_ZIP package.t_filestype t_files is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer; Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browserdeclare l_zip_file blob; begin for l_file in ( select…

APEX Page Group

Page groups are very helpful for developers to manage application pages. Developer can use Page Groups to club the similar kind of Pages. These groups give the a centralized management…


Create function to convert the CLOB to BLOB Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION clob_to_blob (i_clob_text IN CLOB) RETURN BLOB IS /* Version 1 29-mar-2020 */ l_blob_file BLOB;…


BLOB2CLOBBASE64 Function This function is used to convert Blob to base64Clob. Syntax: Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserAPEX_WEB_SERVICE.BLOB2CLOBBASE64 ( p_blob IN BLOB) RETURN CLOB; Example : Copy CodeCopiedUse a different Browserdeclare…

Getting into ORDS

Firstly we need to enable ORDS. Base url : <SERVER_URL>:<SERVER_PORT>/ords/ To hide the schema name from the API endpoint we put any alias in the url mapping pattern. Copy CodeCopiedUse a different…

Restful API using ORDS

Creating Rest API using ORDS ORDS APIs follows the Module, Template, Method. Now let see the Hierarchy of these. Module is top level container, it can contain set of templates .Template is at…

Consuming ORDS Rest APIs using PL/SQL

Consuming ORDS Rest APIs using PL/SQL API End point : https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/ashish_portfolio/hr/test_emp Parameters : deptno, empno Method : GET Without parameters Copy CodeCopiedUse a different BrowserDeclare l_clob CLOB; BEGIN l_clob :=…